全球影響力 攜手合作,人飢己飢 糧食安全與飲食營養是決定人類健康、福祉、與經濟生產力的關鍵,但是: 全球大約仍有8.21億的人口 無法獲得溫飽 全球每9個人之中,就有1人 正在為飢餓所苦 每年超過13億公噸的食物 白白浪費 全球飢餓對策伙伴計畫(Global Hunger Partnership) 為了解決全球面臨的飢餓問題,PIMCO致力實現聯合國永續發展目標SDG2-終結飢餓,並與全球食物銀行網絡(GFN)攜手合作,藉此貢獻一己之力。 藉由全球飢餓對策伙伴計畫,我們不僅將「對抗飢餓」視為全球系統性的問題,同時致力為弱勢的家庭與社區消除飢餓,從此不再輸在起跑點。 在食物銀行的努力下,全球已有超過6000萬人不再為飢餓所苦。 「長期以來,PIMCO的員工致力協助當地社區消除飢餓,全球飢餓對策伙伴計畫將讓我們觸及更多需要幫助的民眾。PIMCO與全球食物銀行網絡(GFN)攜手合作,在最需要的社區建立食物銀行,並協助現有的食物銀行加速發展並強化營運效率,助其實現永續發展與發揮長期影響力。」 樂文禮(Emmanuel Roman)-PIMCO 執行長暨董事總經理、PIMCO基金會總裁 Global Activation We Give. We Act. We Advocate. Since 2018, we have committed $13.5 million to the Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) in support of their mission to nourish 50 million of the world’s hungry by 2030 through uniting and advancing food banks. We take a long-term view of our partnership and its potential impact on world hunger. Addressing Food Deserts - In 2018, PIMCO partnered with the Orange County Food Bank to launch a mobile food pantry to help feed food deserts in Orange County. From packing food to conducting market analysis to pro bono projects and collaborating with our clients, we act to help food banks build capacity. Strategic Leadership – In 2018, Sachin Gupta, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, joined GFN’s board of directors. In 2021, Marcio Borgorcin, Executive Vice President and head of the global wealth management group in Hong Kong and Singapore, joined GFN’s Southeast Asia Stakeholder Council. Annual Signature Food Packing Event – Over the last decade, colleagues from PIMCO’s California, New York, Texas, Toronto and Asia Pacific offices have come together to pack critical meals through our signature event. Through this initiative to date, PIMCO has donated over $3,613,500, mobilized 9,230 volunteers, family and friends, and packed 174,200+ food boxes, sacks and meals, collectively impacting more than 632,783 individuals. PIMCO Pro Bono Corps Project - PIMCO employees from the Hong Kong, Singapore, and Melbourne developed a robust set of best practices and recommendations for utilizing social media for food banks in the Southeast Asia Incubator. The toolkits were later shared with the full GFN network, spanning 40+ countries, due to their transferability and high-quality. Reimagining Green(er) Solutions to Hunger Challenge - Leveraging cross-sector expertise, multi-company pro bono teams with volunteers from PIMCO, Bayer, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Western Digital developed strategies how food banks can continue to expand their service while minimizing their own environmental footprint. We use our voice and influence to build awareness and mobilize action to help advance Zero Hunger. Thought Leadership - Scott Mather, PIMCO’s Chief Investment Officer, and GFN’s CEO, Lisa Moon, joined a webinar hosted by PYXERA Global October 2021 entitled “HUNGER IN A PANDEMIC: How COVID-19 Exposed Existing Inequality in Global Food Systems.” Addressing how global trends in food banking, coupled with climate change, have emerged in the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic and provided many startling statistics. 載入更多 全球啟動 投入300萬美元 – 2018年至今,PIMCO已投入300萬美元資金在拉丁美洲、南非、與印度等地協助成立食物銀行並提升其營運效率,並攜手全球食物銀行網絡(GFN)打造食物銀行育成計畫,協助弱勢地區建立食物銀行。 有食共饗–PIMCO每年在德州奧斯汀市、紐約市、以及加州新港灘舉辦「餐食打包」活動,為中德州食物銀行、紐約共享餐櫥、與橘郡食物銀行等地方合作伙伴盡一己之力。至今,PIMCO已捐助超過180萬美元、動員6900人次志工、打包10.5萬份餐盒,服務人數總計37萬500人*。 全球食物傳愛活動–PIMCO年度全球志工週邁入10週年,全球分公司響應當地食物傳愛活動。 行動餐櫥–2018年,PIMCO與橘郡食物銀行合作,推出行動餐櫥。 世界糧食日–PIMCO在集團內部推動「惜食計畫」,為所有同仁提供相關的資訊與資源,一同減少食物的浪費。 PIMCO食物銀行合作伙伴 餵養全世界–2018年全球食物銀行現狀報告(The State of Global Food Banking 2018) 閱讀報告 PIMCO集團簡介 PIMCO的社會承諾 PIMCO了解要創造有意義的社會改變,背後也伴隨著機會與義務。 進一步了解 人才招募 身為全球性資產管理業者,優秀的人才、專心致志的精神是PIMCO的成功不二法門。 探索職缺 包容、多元與文化計劃 重視多元觀點與專業技能,乃是PIMCO與客戶持續邁向成功的關鍵。 進一步了解
全球飢餓對策伙伴計畫(Global Hunger Partnership) 為了解決全球面臨的飢餓問題,PIMCO致力實現聯合國永續發展目標SDG2-終結飢餓,並與全球食物銀行網絡(GFN)攜手合作,藉此貢獻一己之力。 藉由全球飢餓對策伙伴計畫,我們不僅將「對抗飢餓」視為全球系統性的問題,同時致力為弱勢的家庭與社區消除飢餓,從此不再輸在起跑點。 在食物銀行的努力下,全球已有超過6000萬人不再為飢餓所苦。
Since 2018, we have committed $13.5 million to the Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) in support of their mission to nourish 50 million of the world’s hungry by 2030 through uniting and advancing food banks. We take a long-term view of our partnership and its potential impact on world hunger. Addressing Food Deserts - In 2018, PIMCO partnered with the Orange County Food Bank to launch a mobile food pantry to help feed food deserts in Orange County.
From packing food to conducting market analysis to pro bono projects and collaborating with our clients, we act to help food banks build capacity. Strategic Leadership – In 2018, Sachin Gupta, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, joined GFN’s board of directors. In 2021, Marcio Borgorcin, Executive Vice President and head of the global wealth management group in Hong Kong and Singapore, joined GFN’s Southeast Asia Stakeholder Council. Annual Signature Food Packing Event – Over the last decade, colleagues from PIMCO’s California, New York, Texas, Toronto and Asia Pacific offices have come together to pack critical meals through our signature event. Through this initiative to date, PIMCO has donated over $3,613,500, mobilized 9,230 volunteers, family and friends, and packed 174,200+ food boxes, sacks and meals, collectively impacting more than 632,783 individuals. PIMCO Pro Bono Corps Project - PIMCO employees from the Hong Kong, Singapore, and Melbourne developed a robust set of best practices and recommendations for utilizing social media for food banks in the Southeast Asia Incubator. The toolkits were later shared with the full GFN network, spanning 40+ countries, due to their transferability and high-quality. Reimagining Green(er) Solutions to Hunger Challenge - Leveraging cross-sector expertise, multi-company pro bono teams with volunteers from PIMCO, Bayer, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Western Digital developed strategies how food banks can continue to expand their service while minimizing their own environmental footprint.
We use our voice and influence to build awareness and mobilize action to help advance Zero Hunger. Thought Leadership - Scott Mather, PIMCO’s Chief Investment Officer, and GFN’s CEO, Lisa Moon, joined a webinar hosted by PYXERA Global October 2021 entitled “HUNGER IN A PANDEMIC: How COVID-19 Exposed Existing Inequality in Global Food Systems.” Addressing how global trends in food banking, coupled with climate change, have emerged in the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic and provided many startling statistics.